What reserved words are used by the system that cannot be used to name entities, activities, variables, attributes, scenario parameters, etc.
The following words are reserved by the system and cannot be used as variable names, attributes, or scenario parameters. using these reserved words will result in a simulation error. Rather than use a reserved word directly an underscore can be applied as a prefix or a suffix to make the word usable as one of the names variables, attributes, or scenario parameters.
Note: If a reserved word is used in the action logic, ProcessModel will produce a message before simulation starts, the message will say * is a reserved word.
accum activate all alt and animate arraydims( ) arraydimsize( ) as b backup begin bi board break breakblk bvatime by calday( ) caldom( ) calhour( ) calmin( ) calmonth( ) calyear( ) cancel cap( ) case char( ) claim clock clock( ) close combine condition cont contents contents( ) convey cost create cyclestart d2 d3 d4 d5 day debug dec default dep dispatch display do dosload downqty( ) drop | dtdelay( ) dtleft( ) e else empty end ent ent( ) entity entity( ) entries entries( ) er exit exp( ) fifo first for forlocation( ) format forresource( ) free freecap freecap( ) freeunits full g geo get getcost getresrate goto graphic group groupqty( ) hide hr id if iff ig in inc incentcost incloccost increscost inf infinite install labels int join jointly jointlyget keep l labels | last lifo ln ln( ) load loc( ) location location( ) locstate( ) log lu maparr match min mod most move move for move on move with ms n name newgraphic newname next next( ) off or order ot ownedresource ownedresource( ) p p5 p6 pause percent percentage percentop( ) percentutil( ) pick preemptedres preemptor priority prompt queue rand rand( ) random read real real( ) recently rename report | res( ) reserve reset reset stats resource resourceunit( ) resqty return round round( ) route sec send setrate show skip snapshot sound split split as sqrt sqrt( ) stop t take then threadnum time timeleft timesused( ) timeused to trace trunc trunc( ) turn u ungroup units units( ) unload until up use variable vatime view w wait warmup while wk write writeline xsub xwrite |