Shift file The name of the shift file which defines the times when this activity can be performed. A default shift file for all activities may be defined in the Options dialog under the Simulation menu.
Browse Allows you to search through one or more directories to locate a shift file.
Interrupt current activity to go off shift or on break Check this option if the current activity is to be interrupted in order to go off shift or on break. If not checked, the shift will interrupt the activity only after it has completed processing the current entity.
Create shift file Opens the shift editor for defining a shift and saving it as an .SFT file. For more information, see Shift Definition.
Shift with breaks; The breaks are not included in the scheduled hours reported in the Output report. Example: If you have an 8 hour shift with 1 hour of downtime for breaks and lunch, the Schedules Hours would show 7 hours for a 24 hour simulation run length or 35 hours for a 5 day run length.