Scenarios are experiments used to find the best settings in your model. Automatically compare results from scenarios in the output reports. Create scenarios by defining scenario parameters to replace changeable values.
Define Experiments
The Scenarios tab of the Scenarios & Parameters dialog allows you to define scenarios or experiments with different values for each of your selected parameters. It also allows you to disable specific scenarios to control which scenarios are run.

New This button creates a new scenario.
Delete This button deletes the selected scenario.
Parameters This box lists the parameters and their defined start-up values.
Name The name of the scenario to be used in reporting statistics.
Value The value represents the scenario parameter for the selected scenario.
Disabled Disables the selected scenario so that it will not be run during the simulation.
Set to Default Resets the value of the selected parameter to its default value.
How To – Define scenarios
1. From the Simulation menu, select Define Scenarios.
2. Click on the Scenarios tab in the dialog (as shown in the previous graphic).
3. Click on the New button.
4. Enter the name of the scenario.
5. Select a parameter from the Parameters list box and enter a value in the Value field below.
6. Repeat step 5 for each parameter you wish to change for the selected scenario.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 to create additional scenarios.