When you need to transfer large volumes of liquid, or when using very large quantities and it would be impractical to use entities, or when loading tanker rail cars.
Where to Find the Model Object
The following model object can be found in the model objects directory:
- Flow Control \ Tank to Rail Car
Difficulty Level
- Ease of Use: Moderate
- Ease of Modification: Moderate
How to Use the Model Object
- Open Your Model: Open your model or create a new blank model.
- Insert the Model Object into Your Model
- Locate the model object Tank to Rail Car and select the insert button.
- Move the cursor to the point of insertion and left mouse-click. The upper left corner of the model object will be inserted at the location of the mouse-click.
- Connect to Your Model
- Connect a percentage route from your model to Fill Tank Car, or connect your arrival route directly to Fill Tank Car.
- Connect a percentage route from Fill Tank Car to the rest of your model.
- Connect a percentage route from your model to Fill Tank Car, or connect your arrival route directly to Fill Tank Car.
- Define Values
- Define the value for attribute a_Car_Cap, and a_Numb_Cars based on the information provided under the heading Attribute below. The values for these attributes must be provided to each entity before an entity reaches Fill Tank Car.
- Define the initial values for variables v_Tank_Level1, and v_Tank_Cap1 based on the information provided under the heading Variables below.
- Define the values for scenario parameters s_UPM_LS1, and s_Cost_PU1 based on the information provided under the heading Scenario Parameters below.
In this model object the rail car volume varies between standard sizes or volumes by default.
The tank level and the railcar load is controlled and monitored with variables and attributes. This means that millions of gallons can be handled in a single day without overloading the system with entities. A rail car is one entity and it will know it’s volume and load. Formulas can be used for rate of transfer.
- Define the value for attribute a_Car_Cap, and a_Numb_Cars based on the information provided under the heading Attribute below. The values for these attributes must be provided to each entity before an entity reaches Fill Tank Car.
- Update Action Logic: If required, change the action logic in Fill Tank Car to stop filling based on the minimum level required.
- Update Objects: Change the names of Fill Tank Car and Tank1 to what maybe appropriate for your model.
- Completion: The model object is now integrated into your model, you should now be able to save and then simulate the model.
Controls Usage
- a_Numb_Cars: Identifies the number of tank cars in the train.
- a_Car_Cap: Identifies the capacity of each of the rail cars (usually 14,500; 20,000; 26,000; 30,000 or 33,500).
- a_Car_Load: How much is actually in the railcar.
- v_Tank_Level1: The initial Level of the holding tank and the displayed ongoing tank level.
- v_Train_Cnt1: Counts the number of trains in the filling area.
- v_Car_Cnt1: Counts the number of rail cars in the filling area.
- v_Tank_Cap1: Establishes the maximum capacity of the holding tank.
Scenario Parameters:
- s_UPM_LS1: How fast the railcar “filling station” fills in units per minute.
- s_Cost_PU1: How much it cost for a unit of product.