When you need to batch in set quantities, but close a batch before the oldest entity expires or close the batch if the arrival frequency slows below a specified limit.
Where to Find the Model Object
The following model object can be found in the model objects directory:
- Batching \ Short Batches If.
How to Use the Model Object
- Open Your Model: Open your model or create a new blank model.
- Insert the Model Object into Your Model
- Locate the model object Short Batches If and select the insert button.
- Move the cursor to the point of insertion and left mouse-click. The upper left corner of the model object will be inserted at the location of the mouse-click.
- Connect to Your Model
- Connect the incoming route to Prepare Batch1 to your model.
- If you add any additional route entering Prepare Batch1, make sure they each contain a copy the action logic from the original route.
- If you add any additional route entering Prepare Batch1, make sure they each contain a copy the action logic from the original route.
- Connect Batch1 to an activity in your model and rename as needed.Do not change the name of the Close Batch1 entity. That name is used within the model object.
- Connect the incoming route to Prepare Batch1 to your model.
- Define Values
- Change the value for scenario parameters s_Normal_BatchSize1, s_Frequency1, s_First1 and s_Last1 to match your requirements.See heading Attributes, Variables, Scenario Parameters and Scenarios Usage below for more information on each scenario parameter.
- Change the Time field on Batch1 to the time it normally take to process a batch (not the time for each individual entity within the batch).
- Change the value for scenario parameters s_Normal_BatchSize1, s_Frequency1, s_First1 and s_Last1 to match your requirements.See heading Attributes, Variables, Scenario Parameters and Scenarios Usage below for more information on each scenario parameter.
- Completion: The model object is now integrated into your model, you should now be able to save and then simulate the model.The Route to Prepare Batch1, Prepare Batch1, Batch Trigger1, Close Batch1 and all the associated routes are being used to control the logic for setting the appropriate batch size given your conditions. Don’t modify times or logic for objects mentioned. All changes of object behavior should be made through the scenario parameters.
The Batch1 is where you will enter any processing time after the batch is created.
Controls Usage
- a_BatchSize1: Size of the batch. Normally this is your standard batch size. But at the times when the End of Day entity arrives, it is set to 1 which closes the batch. Then, just prior to entering Batch1, is reassigned a value equal to the number of entities to be rebatched.
- a_Qty: The create quantity in the create route that triggers the premature closing of a short batch* RebatchQty: A system attribute that tracks the previous batch size.
- v_First1: The clock time when the first entity entered a batch.
- v_Last1: The clock time when the last entity entered a batch.
- v_Entity_Count1: The number of entities being held in the pre-batch in queue. This is used to identify the first entity.
Scenario Parameters:
- s_Normal_BatchSize1: The standard batch size.
- s_Frequency1: How much time elapses between check the batch aging.
- s_First1: The open time (in minutes) of a batch that is not to be exceeded or the batch will close.
- s_Last1: The time (in minutes) between entries of entities that is not to be exceeded or the batch will close.