Resource Groups allow the assignment of many resources (with unique shifts, costs, and availability) using a single word. A simple matrix sets ups and changes the group. Assignment is evenly loaded so resource utilization is balanced in the group.
Where to Find the Model Object
The following model object can be found in the model objects directory:
- Resources \ Resource Groups
Difficulty Level
- Ease of Use: Easy
- Ease of Modification: Moderate
How to Use the Model Object
- Open Your Model: Open your model or create a new blank model.
- Insert the Model Object into Your Model
- Locate the model object Resource Groups and select the insert button.
- Move the cursor to the point of insertion and left mouse-click. The upper left corner of the model object will be inserted at the location of the mouse-click.
- Model Requirements: Before using the Resource Groups Excel file, we will need to make sure that the model meets the requirements of the automation.
- The model must have 2 or more resource objects in the model.
- One scenario parameter for each intended resource group must be declared. Each scenario parameter must include ‘Get_‘ in the name.
- The model must have 2 or more resource objects in the model.
- Open the Excel File: Right click on the Resource Groups Excel icon and click on the third option from the bottom to open the Resource Groups vx-x Excel file, where x-x represents the version number of the Excel file.
Before using this Excel file for the first time, or after changing your model name, make sure that a manual export of data is done via ProcessModel. From your model, click Tools \ Export Data, click ‘Yes’ to all prompts until the data export file opens, close the data file and then use this Excel file.
Click Enable Content if prompted
- Set up the Workbook: Once the Resource Groups Excel file opens, click the 1. Setup Workbook button. The Excel automation will now query ProcessModel for resources names and all scenario parameters that have ‘Get_’ in their names.
Workbook displaying a list of resources and scenario parameters from the active model.
- Input Resource and Group Information: After the workbook is setup, resource and scenario parameter information will be shown in the workbook taken from the active model in ProcessModel. The resource names will be shown in column A from row 8 onwards, while scenario parameters will be shown from column B onwards on row 7.
To add a particular resource to a particular group, simply write x in the cell that matches both the resource and the group.
Person1 and Person10 assigned to Group1, Person2 and Person9 assigned to Group2…
- Update Resource Information to Processmodel: Once all the resource grouping is done, click the 2. Update Res button to update this grouping information to your model in ProcessModel.
- Update Get and Free Information: Once resource and group information has been updated to your model, go back to your model in ProcessModel.
- Remove any and all GET/FREE routes or GET/FREE action logic that utilizes the resources that have been grouped.
- To capture a resource group at a particular location, simple use the scenario parameter name, e.x: Get_Group1
- Remove the time from the Time field in the properties dialog.
- Include the time as action logic, and add it after the scenario parameter.
The time in action logic only needs to be done at the activity/storage where the Get_ scenario parameter is used. Rest of the activities, routes, storages etc do not need the time in the action logic.
- Free the resource using the Free All action logic.
- If the resource needs to be freed at the same activity then add the Free All action logic after the time logic.
If the free needs to happen after a couple of activities, then use the Free All action logic at the activity where you want the resource to be free’d.
- If the resource needs to be freed at the same activity then add the Free All action logic after the time logic.
- Remove the time from the Time field in the properties dialog.
- Completion: The model object is now integrated into your model, you should now be able to save and then simulate the model.
Controls Usage
- v_VarCount#: Do not change. The variable is automatically added when grouping, it is used to randomize resource get within a group.
Scenario Parameters:
- Get_…: User input required. User must declare any and all resource groups the user intends to use in the model.