When you need to calculate SLA even if the entities are still in the model, and to report entities achieving SLA time. The calculations of SLA includes, all entities that have entered the system, any entity that has exited the system that has exceeded the SLA time, and any entity that is in the system that have exceeded the SLA time.
Where to Find the Model Object
The following model object can be found in the model objects directory:
- Reporting \ Calculate SLA in Minutes
Difficulty Level
- Ease of Use: Moderate
- Ease of Modification: Moderate
How to Use the Model Object
- Open Your Model: Open your model or create a new blank model.
- Insert the Model Object into Your Model
- Locate the model object Calculate SLA in Minutes and select the insert button.
- Move the cursor to the point of insertion and left mouse-click. The upper left corner of the model object will be inserted at the location of the mouse-click.
- Connect to Your Model
- Connect from the first activity of your model to purple point ‘A‘.
- Connect from purple point ‘B‘ to the second activity of your model.
- Delete the routing between the first, and the second activity of your model.
- Connect any exits from your model to purple point ‘C‘.
- Connect from the first activity of your model to purple point ‘A‘.
- Define Values: Define the values for scenario parameters s_SLATimeInMin1 and s_AccuracyTime1 based on the information provided under the heading Scenario Parameters below. The values for these Scenario Parameters must be provided before the simulation start.
- Completion: The model object is now integrated into your model, you should now be able to save and then simulate the model.
Controls Usage
- a_StartTime1: Do not change. Is used to calculate start time for the entity.
- a_EntTotalTime1: Do not change. Is used to calculate total time for the entity has spent in the model.
- a_AlreadyMarked1: Do not change. Is used to know if the entity is already marked for exceeding SLA.
- v_TotalExceedingSLA1: Do not change. Is used to calculate entities exceeding SLA time.
- v_PercentAchievingSLA1: Do not change. Is used to calculate the percentage of entities that achieved SLA time.
- v_EntityCount1: Do not change. Is used to calculate the number of entities that arrived in the model.
- v_StartTime1: Do not change. Is used to transfer start time information from created entity to the main entity.
- v_AlreadyMarked1: Do not change. Is used to transfer ‘already marked’ information from created entity to the main entity.
Scenario Parameters:
- s_SLATimeInMin1: User input required. Define the SLA time, in minutes, of your scenario.
- s_AccuracyTime1: User input required. Is used to set the accuracy of SLA, in minutes. A larger number will be used for longer SLA times, which will make the model run faster. A smaller number will be used for shorter SLA times, which will make the model slower. Example: In a call center environment, where the SLA times are usually in minutes, the accuracy required can be a smaller number. In a real estate business the SLA time can be in days, the accuracy required can be a larger number.