Model Objects
Capturing Output Reports During Simulation
When you need to capture single, or multiple output reports of the simulation at specific times during the simulation. Where...
Controlling Fluid Levels in a Tank
When you need to handle a tank which has defined Upper Critical Level, Upper Level, Lower Level and Lower Critical...
End Production After X Completions
When you need to stop the simulation after a predefined quantity exits the model. The measurement of time to reach...
Long Process Time Short Resource Usage
When a Resource is only used for a fraction of the total time needed to complete processing of an Entity...
Randomize Graphics
When you need to randomize the graphics presented during the arrival, and to show the visually show the build up...
Renege, SLA, Rand
When you want entities to exit a hold queue (or route to a different location) if entities wait longer than...
Surgical Suite Hold for Cleaning
When you need to hold the capacity of a room until it has been cleaned and setup for the next...
Transfer Attributes from Child to Parent
When you would like to transfer the attributes from a child entity to a parent entity. Where to Find the...
Verify Distribution Values
Use this model object to check the values a distribution returns, e.g., for extreme and negative numbers. The model object...
Room Cleaning After Procedure
When you need to hold the capacity of a room until it has been cleaned and setup for the next...
Out Patient Monitoring
When you need to handle the complexity of nurses monitoring multiple patients. To have different monitoring and recovery periods for...
Dynamically Change Resource Priorities
When you need to change the priority of GET statements for resources ‘during’ simulation. Where to Find the Model Object...
Highest Priority Entities First
When you have multiple entities with varying priorities and you always want to work on the highest priority entities before...
Calculate Elapsed Time
When you want to calculate how long an entity spent between two points in your model. By capturing the elapsed...
Calculate SLA in Minutes
When you need to calculate SLA even if the entities are still in the model, and to report entities achieving...