Process Simulation Helps Revolutionize Mortgage
Since this company began in 1968, it has helped more than 80 million families achieve the American dream of homeownership. […]
Since this company began in 1968, it has helped more than 80 million families achieve the American dream of homeownership. […]
Progressive companies today realize that Web-based marketing can boost sales and bring them customers. However, simply maintaining an online presence is not enough. Servicing customers well is the key. […]
When a patient needs a medication, it is imperative that it be delivered in a timely manner. Interruptions in this process could literally mean the difference between comfort and extreme pain, or in many cases, the difference between life and death. […]
ProcessModel Inc., a provider of business process improvement software and training, recently led a four-week initiative for a sports channel that resulted in immediate savings of $64 million for the sports entertainment company. […]
The key to efficiency and success in the workplace is properly managing and allocating resources such as personnel, space, tools, inventory, etc. Sometimes “the way things are” or “the way things have always been done” are not the most effective means of producing the end result. […]
We’ve come a long way since pioneer days of dusty, rutted roads, which flooded and mudded during the rainy season, causing old fashioned vehicles to get stuck in the muck. […]
Sometimes the message just doesn’t get to the people that are most important. I called a few of our customers personally and found that the majority of them did not know about all the products and services we have to help you in maintaining your process improvement efforts. Below are a series of questions that [...]
The latest improvements in ProcessModel have made it an excellent tool for enhancing lean manufacturing, which strives to eliminate eight wastes: […]
As one of the three U.S. Air Force maintenance flight depots, the Ogden Air Logistics Center Aircraft Directorate provides depot repair, modification, and maintenance support to major aircraft weapons systems. […]
ProcessModel was used in a company to reduce operating expenses by $133 million per year, over three years by directly attacking the value stream. […]