ProcessModel Time

Well, it’s about time! No, really — it’s about time. ProcessModel just released a time study software for processes with many steps, occurring at multiple stations. It’s easy-to-set-up, simple-to-use and designed specifically for ProcessModel. ProcessModel Time is ideal for capturing data for many stations at the same time. If you have a Windows laptop* or a tablet, now you have a spectacular time study tool.

Why ProcessModel Time?

ProcessModel engineers looked for commercially available software to perform time studies on our projects. They reviewed some great products. Most were overly complicated. All missed the mark of being capable of collecting data for process modeling and yet remain simple-to-use. I’m talking about 3 minutes of training — to “I’m collecting data” — simple.


You’re going to love this because it takes seconds to create a new time study. Three easy steps and you are ready to collect times for processes with many elements, occurring at several stations simultaneously:

  1. Enter a short, descriptive name for each time element.
    ProcessModel time allows times studies to be set up quickly and run flawlessly.
  2. Define names of stations to be observed.
    ProcessModel Time allows simultaneously collecting data from multiple stations
  3. Arrange stations (Buttons) to match your layout.
    ProcessModel Time performs times studies on top of a layout.

ProcessModel Time is Simple to Use

Buttons are arranged to match your facility, so the data collector can identify which button to push effortlessly. The buttons change color, and the text reflects the next process step.


Perfectly Formated for ProcessModel

ProcessModel Time converts all collected times into durations and presents the data in a consistent format. Copy the data to Stat:Fit and create a distribution formatted perfectly for ProcessModel.

ProcessModel time study software collects data for process improvement projects.


ProcessModel Time study software passes date to fit distribution

A distribution derived from ProcessModel Time might look like the following:

W(2.39, 1.18)

ProcessModel Time is Ready for You

ProcessModel Time is available to all users with active ProcessModel support. Purchase ProcessModel Time separately for $149.

To get your full copy of ProcessModel Time, or receive a trial, send an email to support with the subject “It’s about time.”

*ProcessModel Time runs on Windows 7, 8 or 10. It requires Excel 2003 or newer with macros enabled.